AIM High Foundation
The purpose of The Aim High Foundation is to create athletic and social programs to support and encourage youth in becoming educated, productive, and caring members of society. The Aim High Foundation was formed to teach youth the productive mechanisms of team sports, teamwork, discipline, cooperation, setting goals, strong work ethics, and establishing moral values. We teach these concepts through the professional athletes who are living examples of these principles. We work closely with community leaders using sports and professionals as a vehicle to bond with youth. The Aim High Foundation was formed for the charitable purposes of building a strong connection with America’s vulnerable youth, as well as fostering moral, spiritual, physical and emotional connections. The Aim High Foundation is committed to the idea that by providing youth with a wholesome, intellectually stimulating environment anchored in athleticism and supervised by a caring team of professionals, any child can embrace the challenges of success. The corporation’s focus is on the urban and rural youths who are equally impacted by society’s failings. The corporation has pledged to uplift the ideals which support youth development and to construct avenues for change where change is needed in attitude, aspirations, and behaviors, and to reinforce the foundations upon which honor and responsibility rest. Furthermore, the corporation reserves the right to conduct any and all lawful activities, both alone and with other persons or organizations, and implement any other act or thing necessary or proper to accomplish or advance the same growth and help any child to create a lasting, positive intent for the future.