Please read the important information below. The download, complete and return this waiver.
The Kenny Smith “Carolina” Basketball Camp Prohibits:
- The possession or use of alcoholic beverages on University property.
- The unlawful possession and/or unlawful use of drugs not prescribed by a physician.
- Tampering with fire alarms, extinguishers, or other fire safety equipment.
- Disorderly conduct that infringes upon the rights, privacy, and health or safety of other campers or is dangerous to property.
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition, fireworks, open flames explosives or highly flammable materials on University property.
- The use of confetti or glitter.
- The use of adhesive products that will damage painted surfaces (i.e., tape, glue, etc.).
- Leaving hall decorations intact after checkout. Campers are responsible for the removal and disposal of all decorations.
- The wearing of shoes with cleats in any of the dormitories, gymnasium or dining hall. Skateboards, bicycles, and radios are not permitted in the gymnasium or dining hall.
- Smoking.
- Coaches, participants, staff, and campers are expected to abide by the University’s traffic regulations.
- Leaving the campus for any reason unless given written permission by the Camp Director and a parent or guardian
***Proper conduct should be maintained at all times****
Violation of any of these regulations may result in parent notification and dismissal or arrest.
Infirmary and Medical Services
The Infirmary is open weekdays, 8:00 a.m. 12 noon. An adult counselor should accompany all youth participants using the Infirmary. After Infirmary hours, Public Safety and the Sports Medicine Center can provide minor first aid. For medical emergencies, Public Safety will provide on-the-scene assistance until appropriate emergency assistance arrives. An adult counselor when using the Infirmary must accompany all campers, the Infirmary due to the absence of an on-site physician cannot give Allergy extract injections; the cost of lab work is the responsibility of the individual. Medical releases should have insurance information and medical history attached. In case of emergency, parents should provide very detailed information for themselves and campers.
Loss and Damage
- The Kenny Smith Carolina Basketball Camp is not responsible for and lost or damaged property.
- Stolen property is to be immediately reported to the camp office.
- Since accurate records of the rooms conditions are constantly maintained and updated by the Department of Housing. Any damages or alterations (excluding normal wear and tear) to the rooms will be billed to the parents of the room or suite.
Vending Machines
Vending machines are located in resident halls on campus. Problems with vending machines should be reported immediately. Vending Machines can only be used before “Lights out”.
Meal Times
- Meals are served during the following times.
- Breakfast (7:00 -9:00 a.m.)
- Lunch (11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.)
- Dinner (4:30 – 6:00 p.m.)
- Food may not be brought into or removed from the Dining Hall
- Food must never be thrown or extracted from the mouth in any manner except in cases of sickness.
Campers must sit at the table with their team and coach during all meal.
One day out of the camp week, campers will have the option to visit the University of North Carolina area stores to buy souvenirs. Under no circumstance should a camper go to the store without the supervision of the resident director. This will be a specified and designated time. The Kenny Smith Carolina Basketball camp will also have camp souvenirs. Campers will have the opportunity to buy hats, t-shirts and other memorabilia.
Lounges are provided for camper. The lounges can be used for games and relaxation purposes. Normal conduct and cleanliness should be maintained.
Air Conditioned Rooms
All rooms are air conditioned.
All campers should bring their own sheets, blankets, pillows and pillowcases. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Key Policy
$75 Key Deposits can be paid by check or credit card. The checks must be made out to the Kenny Smith Basketball Camp. When the key is returned to the office, the check will be void within 30 days. If paid by credit card the card number will be taken, but not billed unless the key is not returned.
Dormitory Conduct
The Kenny Smith “Carolina” Basketball Camp Prohibits:
- Running in the halls of the dormitory, corridors, lobby area or in rooms or suites.
- Standing, swinging, playing or throwing anything over the guard rails in the corridors.
- Changing rooms between campers without the expressed notification of the Office Managers, RD and your wing’s RA’s. If a room is changed after a parent leaves the parent must be notified by administration.
- Leaving an untidy room at the end of camp. All belongings must be taken back with you. All food must be discarded.
- Stealing from anyone.
- Bullying of anyone.
- Horseplay anywhere.
- Foul, abusive, or derogatory language.
- Boys going to the girls dormitory for any reason
- Girls going to the boys dormitory for any reason
- Insubordinate behavior to anyone in administration, i.e. Coaches, RA’s, the RD, Office administration etc.